Obscenity, Fear Connection, Hexwraith

3x death metal live

BMC Booking & Jugendinitiative ProTon e.V. präsentiert:

OBSCENITY - death metal | Oldenburg (Apostasy Records)
They are doing pure classic death metal for over 3 decades right now and are hungrier then ever to reign the Death-Metal world with an iron and bloody fist. Strongly rooted in german underground with members of Dew Scented, Slaughterday, Tears of Decay and Weak Aside for quite a while and never gave up.

FEAR CONNECTION - d-beat/ death metal | Bremen
brutal, dynamic and varied death metal combines with thrash elements, various facets of crust/punk/d-beats, catchy melodies and hooklines.

HEXWRAITH - old school death metal | Rostock
first wave death metal from these Rostock youngsters, oldschool 90er Death Thrash Hooks, rotten& filthy for fans of Asphyx, Bolt Thrower, Obituary

Tickets unter www.pretix.eu/juzklex

Veranstalter: Jugendinitiative ProTon e.V.

Bildnachweis: Stephan Haese
Klex Lange Str.14 17489 Greifswald 0 38 34 - 89 83 30

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