Seasonality in mammals: what can seasonal mammals teach us about physiological adaptations to stress?

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag von Professorin Dr. Annika Herwig (Universität Ulm, Institut für Neurobiologie) im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe „Planet Erde 3.0 – Living in a changing world“

Seasonal mammals have been recognized as intriguing animal models for many physiological processes. They show remarkable adaptations in morphology and physiology to cope with the seasonally changing environment. Trying to understand the mechanisms behind the extreme and tightly regulated changes will largely contribute to our general understanding of many major physiological processes and their range of peak physiological performance, tolerance and resilience.

Annika Herwig studied biology in Mainz and Hannover. She completed her PhD in 2007 in co-tutelle at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover and the University of Strasbourg. After a Post-Doctoral period at the Rowett Institute of the University of Aberdeen, she obtained an Emmy-Noether Fellowship at Hamburg University to set up her independent research group. In 2017, she was appointed as Professor for Neurobiology at Ulm University. Annika Herwig is working on mechanisms of seasonal adaptations in mammals, mainly using the Djungarian hamster as animal model.

Moderation: Professor Dr. Philipp Lehmann

Bildnachweis: Elvira Eberhardt
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Martin-Luther-Straße 14 17489 Greifswald 03834 420-5001 Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 03834 420 5019

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