Rational Design of Novel Vaccines and Biomarkers for Control of Major Infectious Diseases

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag von Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Stefan H. E. Kaufmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie, Berlin) in Kooperation mit dem Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut

The threat from infectious diseases has increased with globalization and better intervention measures are urgently required. This is particularly true for the 'Big Four', Malaria, AIDS, Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis. If we want to control these major threats which are responsible for more than 4 million deaths per year, research and development for better diagnostics, drugs and vaccines are urgently required with vaccines being the most cost-efficient measure. Here, I will describe recent developments in vaccine and biomarker design with an emphasis on Tuberculosis.

Stefan H. E. Kaufmann is founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, and professor for Microbiology & Im-munology, Charité, Berlin. He holds a Doctor Honoris Causa, Mar-seille University, France, and is Faculty Fellow of Hagler Institute for Advanced Study, USA. Furthermore, he is former President of German Society for Immunology, European Federation of Immuno-logical Societies and International Union of Immunological Societies. He developed a recombinant vaccine and a prognostic biosignature for tuberculosis and received numerous scientific awards. He has published more than 900 books and articles with more than 60,000 citations and is member of numerous professional societies, acade-mies and editorial boards of scientific journals.

Laudatio: Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Moderation: Professor Dr. Anca Dorhoi

Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Martin-Luther-Straße 14 17489 Greifswald 03834 420-5001 Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 03834 420 5019

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Picture credits: Anna-Liisa Sääsks
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